# rusty-leveldb-sgx


A fully compatible implementation of LevelDB in Rust. (any incompatibility is a bug!) Be able to run inside SGX.

The implementation is very close to the original; often, you can see the same algorithm translated 1:1, and class (struct) and method names are similar or the same.

NOTE: I do not endorse using this library for any data that you care about. I do care, however, about bug reports.

# Status

Working well, with a few rare bugs (see leveldb-rs issues).

# Goals

Some of the goals of this implementation are

  • As few copies of data as possible; most of the time, slices of bytes (&[u8]) are used. Owned memory is represented as Vec<u8> (and then possibly borrowed as slice). Zero-copy is not always possible, though, and sometimes simplicity is favored.
  • Correctness -- self-checking implementation, good test coverage, etc. Just like the original implementation.
  • Clarity; commented code, clear structure (hopefully doing a better job than the original implementation).
  • Coming close-ish to the original implementation; clarifying the translation of typical C++ constructs to Rust, and doing a better job at helping understand the internals.
Last Updated: 10/28/2022, 2:33:03 AM