Teaclave Meetup #2

February 24, 2021 · Mingshen Sun

Last time, we discussed setting the meetup as a regular activity (i.e., the last Thursday in each Month). On Feb 25, we organized the second Teaclave virtual meetup. Around ten people from the community showed up in the virtual meetup. Thanks for attending the meetup. Hope to see more people in the next meetup and sharing your ideas.

Teaclave Meetup #2

For people who were not available at this time, here is a short summary.

# Schedule

  • Recent updates on Teaclave, Mingshen Sun (15 m)
  • Q&A and free discussion (45 m)

# Recent Updates on Teaclave

Mingshen shared some recent updates on Teaclave with following outlines:

  • Teaclave TrustZone SDK donation
  • Releasing Apache Teaclave (incubating) 0.2.0
  • Teaclave Client SDK in Swift (iOS framework)
  • Talks in OC3 - Open Confidential Computing Conference 2021, Mar 11

# Rust OP-TEE TrustZone SDK donation

For the recent donation on Rust OP-TEE TrustZone SDK, here is a timeline of the project. Currently, this project is under transfer and will be under the Apache organization on GitHub in the next few days.

Rust OP-TEE TrustZone SDK Donation Timeline

# Teaclave Client SDKs

Mingshen also gave a brief introduction on the design and implementation of Teaclave client SDKs in different languages and their relationships.

Teaclave Client SDKs

# Demo of Rust Std Aware Cargo

One of our contributor lyj also demonstrated his efforts on std aware Cargo (#311 in incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk). By using this method, people no longer needs Xargo or no-std to build the SGX enclave. Hope this improvement will ease the development of SGX enclaves and porting crates.

At last, thanks for attending this meetup. I'll continue to drive this meetup and make it a monthly activity for the community. If you want to speak in the next time, please post your proposed topic in the mailing list. I'll help you to schedule the time.